Cancel Membership/Subscription Management Access
Cancel Your CSPA Subscription:
We've updated our cancellation process!
You can now cancel your account independently and instantly - woohoo!
To cancel your CSPA, first select the instructions below based on the date you joined CSPA. If you do not remember when you joined, that's okay! Start with the first set of instructions and you'll know if you're in the wrong spot by step 2.
REMINDER: Due to the nature of the service, no refunds will be made for any membership fees already paid, excluding the 30 day money back guarantee as stated in our cancellations and refunds policy with which you agreed to during your signup process.
If you do not know if you joined prior to or after 12/1/2021, please click above to open the instructions and begin the steps outlined. You'll know by step 2 if these instructions are not for you. If you have any other questions or concerns, please email our support team at [email protected].
Members who joined CSPA before 12/1/2021 can request to cancel their subscription by emailing our support team at [email protected] or using the chat feature.

If you do not know if you joined prior to or after 12/1/2021 or have any other questions or concerns, please also email our support team at [email protected].

Update Your Payment Information:
Questions about how to update your payment information? Select the appropriate video instruction below. If you're not sure which instructions to use please click below to open the first set of instructions and begin the steps outlined. You'll know by step 2 if these instructions are not for you. If you have any other questions, please email our support team at [email protected].
If you do not know if you joined prior to or after 12/1/2021 or have any other questions or concerns, please email our support team at [email protected].

Members who joined CSPA prior to 12/1/2021 can request to update their subscription payment information by emailing our support team at [email protected] or using the chat feature.

If you do not know if you joined prior to or after 12/1/2021 or have any other questions or concerns, please also email our support team at [email protected].